The name of this application makes its main purpose and functionality quite obvious: it's mainly a countdown timer offered for free. Anyway, don't think Free Countdown Timer is overly simple and plain, it actually comes with handy additional features that make this tool a lot more useful than expected.
Free Countdown Timer doesn't just show the time until a specific event, but it also enables you to set all kinds of reminders and notifications that will trigger when that time is about to expire, helping you avoid forgetting of meetings, birthdays, appointments, and other important future moments. Alarms can be both acoustic, through sound alerts, as well as visual ones represented by pop-up notifications (if you enable the “Show message” option). You can also choose which sound file to play as the alarm, or even select to have the computer woken up from sleep mode and the monitor turned on when the alarm is triggered. Snoozing is also possible, as well as various repeat settings that allow setting recurring alarms.
This neat tool also supports setting multiple countdown timers, each with its own customized options. Furthermore, using Free Countdown Timer is really easy, as its interface is simple and straightforward.
In conclusion, since it's also completely free, this nice application gets my recommendation as it's undeniably handy and it comes with no traceable flaws.
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